Brands, Why Are You Still Working With Danielle Bernstein?

Brands, Why Are You Still Working With Danielle Bernstein?

Brands, Why Are You Still Working With Danielle Bernstein? By Mikeisha Vaughn ·November 25, 2020November 25, 2020

For many small business owners, owning a business and maintaining it is hard enough. Still, it’s even harder when an influencer with a mass following can simply order your products and repurpose them to collaborate with a larger brand. Danielle Bernstein, an influencer and founder of the blog and “brand” WeWoreWhat has made stealing designs an integral part of her career. There have been numerous reports of her duping small business owners’ creations, but brands insist on aiding her with collaborations that continue to plush her pockets.

In 2018, Bernstein was

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