Posted inActors and Actresses Art Bartlett, Jennifer bestofculture2022 Bogdanovich, Peter Bontecou, Lee Brook, Peter Caan, James Classical Music Comedy and Humor Crumb, George Culture (Arts) Cunningham, Merce Dancing Ehrenreich, Barbara Ewing, Maria Fuller, Charles Gilliam, Sam Godard, Jean-Luc Gordon, David Gottfried, Gilbert Hanh, Thich Nhat Heche, Anne Herrera, Carmen Hurt, William (1950- ) Jordan, Leslie Lansbury, Angela Lewis, Jerry Lee Liotta, Ray Lynn, Loretta Mantel, Hilary Marias, Javier McCullough, David Milanes, Pablo Movies Music Newton-John, Olivia Oldenburg, Claes Poitier, Sidney Pop and Rock Music Ramirez, Tina Rego, Paula (1935- ) Rorem, Ned Saget, Bob Soares, Elza (1930-2022) Spector, Ronnie Straub, Peter Takeoff (Rapper) Tenuta, Judy Theater Two Thousand Twenty Two
Posted inActors and Actresses Collins, Lily Emily in Paris (TV Program) France Harris, Jeremy O Leroy-Beaulieu, Philippine Netflix Inc Paris (France) Park, Ashley (Actor) Star, Darren Upper East Side (Manhattan, NY)
‘Emily in Paris’ Star Lily Collins on Her Own Trauma Haircut
The cast also talked about berets and big life choices at a screening and reception at the French Consulate General to celebrate Season 3.
Posted inActors and Actresses Foy, Claire (1984- ) Mara, Rooney Movies Polley, Sarah Women Talking (Movie)
‘Women Talking’ and What a Post-#MeToo Future Looks Like
The director Sarah Polley and cast members Claire Foy and Rooney Mara dig into thorny issues raised by their new film, a drama based on sexual assaults in a Mennonite sect.
Posted inActors and Actresses Collins, Lily Emily in Paris (TV Program) France Harris, Jeremy O Leroy-Beaulieu, Philippine Netflix Inc Paris (France) Park, Ashley (Actor) Star, Darren Upper East Side (Manhattan, NY)
‘Emily in Paris’ Star Lily Collins On Her Own Trauma Haircut
The cast also talked about berets and big life choices at a screening and reception at the French Consulate General to celebrate Season 3.