Posted inArtificial Intelligence Beauty (Concept) Dryhurst, Matt Herndon, Holly (1980- ) Museums At the Serpentine, Holly Herndon Taught A.I. to Sing Holly Herndon and Matt Dryhurst are presenting their first large-scale solo museum show. It sounds gorgeous, even if its visual elements are lacking. Posted by By Emily LaBarge
Posted inBeauty (Concept) Flowers and Plants Hawaii Taseer, Aatish twintertravel24 Why Do Flowers Mean So Much to Us? Icons of beauty, providers of sustenance, even symbols of divinity — blossoming plants have assumed a deep significance to many cultures across the globe. Posted by By Hanya Yanagihara
Posted inBeauty (Concept) Fashion and Apparel Lingerie and Underwear Models (Professional) Victoria's Secret Women and Girls The Weird Persistence of the Victoria’s Secret ‘Angel’ The company has tried to shed its retrograde standards of beauty aspiration and perfection. But many women miss the old bombshell fantasy. Posted by By Scout Brobst
Posted inBeauty (Concept) Habits and Routines (Behavior) Hair internal-reader-callout How Does Your Facial Hair Make You Feel? We want to hear about how women’s experiences of having visible facial hair impact their day-to-day. Posted by By The New York Times