Posted inBush, Kate Parties (Social) Pop and Rock Music Inside “Night of 1000 Kates,” a Kate Bush-Themed Variety Show The “Night of 1,000 Kates,” an annual variety show in Philadelphia, taps into the singer Kate Bush’s lasting appeal. Posted by By Maggie Lange
Posted inBush, Kate Country Music Crow, Sheryl Folk Music Iron Maiden (Music Group) Joy Division (Music Group) Lauper, Cyndi Michael, George Missy Elliott (1971- ) Nelson, Willie Pop and Rock Music Rage Against the Machine (Music Group) Rap and Hip-Hop Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum Soundgarden (Music Group) Tribe Called Quest, A (Music Group) Warren Zevon White Stripes (Music Group) Willie Nelson, Missy Elliott and Sheryl Crow Nominated for Rock Hall Cyndi Lauper, Joy Division, George Michael and the White Stripes are also among the first-time nominees up for induction this year. Posted by By Julia Jacobs
Posted inBellerin, Hector (1995- ) Berlant, Kate Blanchett, Cate Blige, Mary J Bonner, Grace Wales Burrow, Joe (1996- ) Bush, Kate Butler, Austin (1991- ) Cabrera, Oswaldo (1999- ) Celebrities Chalamet, Timothee (1995- ) Coleman, Zendaya Coolidge, Jennifer Corrin, Emma (1995- ) Culture (Arts) Demie, Alexa (1994- ) Didion, Joan Dlamini, Amala Zandile (Doja Cat) Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain Elvis (Movie) Euphoria (TV Program) Fashion and Apparel Feldstein, Beanie Fielder, Nathan (1983- ) Fox, Julia (1990- ) Fumudoh, Ziwe Gosling, Ryan Gu, Eileen Hacks (TV Program) Hadid, Bella (1996- ) Hamilton, Lewis Harris, Jeremy O Hathaway, Anne Honey Dijon Hsu, Stephanie (1980- ) internal-storyline-no Jackson, Ketanji Brown (1970- ) James Webb Space Telescope James, LeBron Kahlana Barfield Brown Klum, Heidi Knowles, Beyonce Lamar, Kendrick Lil Nas X (Rapper) Lizzo (1988- ) Marin, Sanna Nef, Hari (1992- ) Palmer, Keke Pitt, Brad Ralph, Sheryl Lee Rihanna Ross, Tracee Ellis Sevigny, Chloe Shaheel Sanil Prasad Sheree Whitfield Sherman, Sarah (1993- ) Short, Martin Smart, Jean Stalter, Meg Stewart, Martha Styles, Harry The Bear (TV Program) The Real Housewives of Atlanta (TV Program) Torres, Julio (Comedian) Two Thousand Twenty Two Vikander, Alicia (1988- ) Way, Gerard White, Jeremy Allen Williams, Serena The 93 Most Stylish ‘People’ of 2022 Or is it Styles-ish? Either way, when anthropologists look back on this year, they’ll be glad to have this list. Posted by By The Styles Desk