Telegram Founder’s Arrest Part of Broad Investigation, French Prosecutors Say

Telegram Founder’s Arrest Part of Broad Investigation, French Prosecutors Say

A case was opened last month to investigate child pornography, drug sales, fraud and other criminal activities on the platform. The app’s founder, Pavel Durov, was detained over the weekend near Paris.
Telegram’s Top Executive Pavel Durov Reportedly Detained in France

Telegram’s Top Executive Pavel Durov Reportedly Detained in France

The founder of Telegram, an app with more than 900 million users, was taken into custody by authorities, French media reported.
Pakistan’s Internet Disruptions Stoke Fears of Government Surveillance

Pakistan’s Internet Disruptions Stoke Fears of Government Surveillance

Disruptions have fueled claims from rights groups that the Pakistani authorities are introducing technology to surveil and control the country’s internet.
Is Xenophobia on Chinese Social Media Teaching Real-World Hate?

Is Xenophobia on Chinese Social Media Teaching Real-World Hate?

Violent attacks on foreigners have prompted a debate about extreme nationalism online in a country that heavily censors information the government bans.