Posted inChatGPT Colleges and Universities Computers and the Internet Education (K-12) Teachers and School Employees Tests and Examinations How Schools Can Survive A.I. Step 1: Assume all students are going to use the technology. Posted by By Kevin Roose
Posted inChatGPT Factories and Manufacturing Labor and Jobs Productivity Wages and Salaries In Reversal Because of A.I., Office Jobs Are Now More at Risk Technology disruption typically affected blue-collar occupations. Now white-collar workers may feel the brunt of changes. Posted by By Claire Cain Miller and Courtney Cox
Posted inChatGPT Computers and the Internet Google DeepMind Google Inc Microsoft Corp OpenAI Labs Science and Technology Google Tests an A.I. Assistant That Offers Life Advice The tech giant is evaluating tools that would use artificial intelligence to perform tasks that some of its researchers have said should be avoided. Posted by By Nico Grant
Posted inChatGPT Computers and the Internet Federal Trade Commission Law and Legislation Libel and Slander Meta Platforms Inc Microsoft Corp OpenAI Labs Rumors and Misinformation Social Media Suits and Litigation (Civil) When A.I. Lies About You, There’s Little Recourse People have little protection or recourse when the technology creates and spreads falsehoods about them. Posted by By Tiffany Hsu