Posted inChildren and Childhood Weddings and Engagements Having a Child-Free Wedding? Consider Hiring a Sitter for Guests’ Kids Some brides and grooms are addressing the age-old dilemma of “who’s going to watch the kids?” by hiring babysitters for guests’ little ones. Posted by By Hilary Sheinbaum
Posted inChildren and Childhood Diane Neuville Handicrafts Jewels and Jewelry Les Pierres dAnna (jewelry) Versailles (France) Jewelry Designs for the Younger Set Diane Neuville went looking for a finer piece to give her daughter. When she didn’t find what she wanted, she decided to create her own. Posted by By Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times
Posted inChild Abuse and Neglect Children and Childhood Computers and the Internet Google Inc National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Social Media Video Recordings, Downloads and Streaming How Your Child’s Online Mistake Can Ruin Your Digital Life Google has a zero-tolerance policy for child abuse content. The scanning process can sometimes go awry and tar innocent individuals as abusers. Posted by By Kashmir Hill
Posted inCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services Children and Childhood Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Federal-State Relations (US) Income Medicaid Medicine and Health Poverty Research State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) States (US) United States At Least 2 Million Children Have Lost Medicaid Insurance This Year Many of the children were eligible for federal aid, experts said, but errors have been common as states “unwind” assistance from earlier in the coronavirus pandemic. Posted by By Noah Weiland