Posted inChina China Evergrande Group Credit and Debt Foreign Investments Hong Kong China Evergrande May Finally Meet Its End in Hong Kong Court A Hong Kong judge could set in motion the liquidation of the property developer, which was once considered one of China’s most successful companies. Posted by By Alexandra Stevenson
Posted inChina Chinese-Americans Customs and Border Protection (US) Darien Gap Economic Conditions and Trends Foreign Investments Illegal Immigration Immigration and Emigration International Relations Why More Chinese Are Risking Danger in Southern Border Crossings to U.S. Trekking the perilous Darién Gap and seeking asylum are risks worth taking for migrants from China who have lost hope in the country’s future. Posted by By Li Yuan
Posted inBatteries Biden, Joseph R Jr China Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Factories and Manufacturing Huntsman Corporation Huntsman, Peter R (1963- ) International Trade and World Market Metals and Minerals Regulation and Deregulation of Industry Supply Chain Tax Credits, Deductions and Exemptions United States Economy United States Politics and Government U.S. Debates How Much to Sever Electric Car Industry’s Ties to China Some firms argue that a law aimed at popularizing electric vehicles risks turning the United States into an assembly shop for Chinese-made technology. Posted by By Ana Swanson and Jack Ewing
Posted inBanking and Financial Institutions China Currency Economic Conditions and Trends Foreign Investments Gold Hong Kong International Trade and World Market Renminbi (Currency) Gold Bars and Tokyo Apartments: How Money Is Flowing Out of China. Chinese families are sending money overseas, a sign of worry about the country’s economic and political future. But a cheaper currency is also helping exports. Posted by By Keith Bradsher and Joy Dong