Posted inCoolidge, Jennifer Golden Globes (Awards) Television The White Lotus (TV Program) Jennifer Coolidge Wins First Golden Globe for ‘The White Lotus’ The award, for best supporting actress in a limited series, comes after Coolidge returned to her role as a needy heiress in the HBO show’s second season. Posted by By Julia Jacobs
Posted inBellerin, Hector (1995- ) Berlant, Kate Blanchett, Cate Blige, Mary J Bonner, Grace Wales Burrow, Joe (1996- ) Bush, Kate Butler, Austin (1991- ) Cabrera, Oswaldo (1999- ) Celebrities Chalamet, Timothee (1995- ) Coleman, Zendaya Coolidge, Jennifer Corrin, Emma (1995- ) Culture (Arts) Demie, Alexa (1994- ) Didion, Joan Dlamini, Amala Zandile (Doja Cat) Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain Elvis (Movie) Euphoria (TV Program) Fashion and Apparel Feldstein, Beanie Fielder, Nathan (1983- ) Fox, Julia (1990- ) Fumudoh, Ziwe Gosling, Ryan Gu, Eileen Hacks (TV Program) Hadid, Bella (1996- ) Hamilton, Lewis Harris, Jeremy O Hathaway, Anne Honey Dijon Hsu, Stephanie (1980- ) internal-storyline-no Jackson, Ketanji Brown (1970- ) James Webb Space Telescope James, LeBron Kahlana Barfield Brown Klum, Heidi Knowles, Beyonce Lamar, Kendrick Lil Nas X (Rapper) Lizzo (1988- ) Marin, Sanna Nef, Hari (1992- ) Palmer, Keke Pitt, Brad Ralph, Sheryl Lee Rihanna Ross, Tracee Ellis Sevigny, Chloe Shaheel Sanil Prasad Sheree Whitfield Sherman, Sarah (1993- ) Short, Martin Smart, Jean Stalter, Meg Stewart, Martha Styles, Harry The Bear (TV Program) The Real Housewives of Atlanta (TV Program) Torres, Julio (Comedian) Two Thousand Twenty Two Vikander, Alicia (1988- ) Way, Gerard White, Jeremy Allen Williams, Serena The 93 Most Stylish ‘People’ of 2022 Or is it Styles-ish? Either way, when anthropologists look back on this year, they’ll be glad to have this list. Posted by By The Styles Desk