A Texas Judge’s Fight to Keep a High Profile Case Out of His Court

A Texas Judge’s Fight to Keep a High Profile Case Out of His Court

A battle over a new rule to limit credit card late fees has spiraled into a larger skirmish about how much power litigants should have to maneuver their cases into friendly courtrooms.
Nishad Singh, a Top FTX Executive, Is Given No Prison Time After Cooperation

Nishad Singh, a Top FTX Executive, Is Given No Prison Time After Cooperation

Mr. Singh, who was a top executive in Sam Bankman-Fried’s business empire, had pleaded guilty to fraud and campaign finance violations that contributed to the collapse of FTX.
Alabama Prison Labor Program Faces Legal Challenges

Alabama Prison Labor Program Faces Legal Challenges

A work-release program for Alabama prisoners provides labor for corporations and income for the state. Lawsuits are challenging its constitutionality.