Elon Musk Blasts Venezuela’s Maduro in an Escalating War of Words

Elon Musk Blasts Venezuela’s Maduro in an Escalating War of Words

Mr. Musk, who has long criticized leftist politicians, called President Nicolás Maduro a “dictator” and compared him to a donkey.
Chinese E.V. Makers Are Upending Thailand’s Auto Market

Chinese E.V. Makers Are Upending Thailand’s Auto Market

China’s electric vehicle companies are making inroads in Thailand, a key industry hub, as Europe and the United States wield tariffs to keep them out.
Japan Built Thailand’s Car Industry. Now China Is Gunning for It.

Japan Built Thailand’s Car Industry. Now China Is Gunning for It.

After dominating sales in Thailand for decades, Mazda, Nissan and other Japanese companies are losing their grip on a market long viewed as a regional hub.
Elon Musk Says Robotaxis Are Tesla’s Future. Experts Have Doubts.

Elon Musk Says Robotaxis Are Tesla’s Future. Experts Have Doubts.

Tesla says self-driving taxis will power its growth, but the company hasn’t said when such a service would be ready or how much it would increase profits.