Posted inEuropean Central Bank Eurozone Inflation (Economics) Recession and Depression Eurozone Slipped Into Recession Early in the Year A weak recovery has been underway since then, but growth is expected to remain tepid for the remainder of the year. Posted by By Liz Alderman
Posted inEconomic Conditions and Trends European Central Bank Eurozone Food Inflation (Economics) Eurozone Inflation Rate Falls to 6.1 Percent in May The rate of price increases slowed to an annual rate of 6.1 percent in May, but food costs continued to keep inflation uncomfortably high. Posted by By Liz Alderman
Posted inCompany Reports Consumer Behavior Energy and Power Europe European Central Bank European Union Food Grain Great Britain Inflation (Economics) Interest Rates Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates) Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Supply Chain Why Are Food Prices So High in Europe? Sugar, Cheese and Bread Costs Soar Agricultural and energy costs are falling, but basic items remain stubbornly expensive for consumers. Posted by By Eshe Nelson
Posted inBank of England Banking and Financial Institutions Europe European Central Bank Eurozone Inflation (Economics) Interest Rates Lagarde, Christine European Central Bank Raises Rates Again, but Only a Quarter Point The bank said “underlying price pressures remain strong” in the eurozone, where the annual inflation rate reached 7 percent last month. Posted by By Eshe Nelson