Natural Gas Could Get Priority Over Renewable Energy in Largest U.S. Grid

Natural Gas Could Get Priority Over Renewable Energy in Largest U.S. Grid

Federal regulators approved a proposal from the nation’s largest grid operator that will give primacy to 50 new power plants, a decision to help meet the country’s growing electricity demand.
An A.I.-Generated Picture Stokes a Stock Market Plunge

An A.I.-Generated Picture Stokes a Stock Market Plunge

A stock sell-off driven by a since-debunked picture underscored fears about how artificial intelligence could be used for nefarious purposes with big consequences.
Why Are Energy Prices So High? Some Experts Blame Deregulation.

Why Are Energy Prices So High? Some Experts Blame Deregulation.

California and the 34 other states that have deregulated all or parts of their electricity system tend to have higher rates than the rest of the country.