Heat Pump Installations Slow, Impeding Biden’s Climate Goals

Heat Pump Installations Slow, Impeding Biden’s Climate Goals

The devices can heat and cool homes more efficiently than furnaces and air-conditioners, but their sales have slowed because of higher interest rates and a slow rollout of federal incentives.
A New Law Supercharged Electric Car Manufacturing, but Not Sales

A New Law Supercharged Electric Car Manufacturing, but Not Sales

President Biden’s 2022 climate act spurred big investments in U.S. battery factories, but it has not similarly boosted E.V. sales.
Automakers Delay Electric Vehicle Spending as Demand Slows

Automakers Delay Electric Vehicle Spending as Demand Slows

Growth is brisk but slower than expected, causing automakers to question their multibillion-dollar investments in new factories and raising doubts about the effectiveness of federal incentives.
How Your Child’s School Bus Might Prevent Blackouts

How Your Child’s School Bus Might Prevent Blackouts

When not driving around, electric buses and other vehicles could help utilities by storing their solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in demand.