Posted inHeat and Heat Waves Weather Weddings and Engagements Planning a Wedding Amid Climate Change Couples getting married this summer have had to contend with extreme weather conditions, from flooding and brutal heat to poor air quality. Posted by By Britta Lokting
Posted inBodrum (Turkey) Europe Greece Heat and Heat Waves Italy Travel and Vacations Tourists Adapt to a Brutal Summer in Europe Travelers are flocking to Europe this summer, but the excessive and prolonged heat is putting a crimp in their plans. Here’s what some are doing. Posted by By Ceylan Yeginsu
Posted inColorado River Deserts Grand Canyon (Ariz) Grand Canyon National Park Heat and Heat Waves Hikes and Hiking National Parks, Monuments and Seashores Phoenix (Ariz) Rescues Sonoran Desert From Below Canyon’s Rim, Finding a New Perspective A travel writer and experienced hiker picked up some new tricks while reporting on search-and-rescue operations in Grand Canyon National Park. Posted by By Rowan Moore Gerety
Posted inCommodities Drought Food Food Insecurity Grain Heat and Heat Waves India Inflation (Economics) International Trade and World Market Protectionism (Trade) Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022) Ukraine Weather Heat, War and Trade Protections Raise Uncertainty for Food Prices Experts are warning of a new normal in which food supplies — and prices — could be rocked more regularly. Posted by By Eshe Nelson Ana Swanson and Jeanna Smialek