Wall Street Sets Low Expectations for Corporate Earnings

Wall Street Sets Low Expectations for Corporate Earnings

Earnings season kicks off this week, and analysts expect a big drop in corporate profits and more announcements about layoffs.
Speaker Drama Raises New Fears on Debt Limit

Speaker Drama Raises New Fears on Debt Limit

An emboldened conservative flank and concessions made to win votes could lead to a protracted standoff on critical fiscal issues, risking economic pain.
C-SPAN and Cable News Get a Boost From the House Speaker Vote

C-SPAN and Cable News Get a Boost From the House Speaker Vote

C-SPAN, the low-fi cable network beloved by the Congressional cognoscenti, has gotten a major boost in attention for its coverage of the House floor, now the site of a political battle for the ages.
Republicans’ Internecine Conflict Is Mirrored in Conservative Media

Republicans’ Internecine Conflict Is Mirrored in Conservative Media

National Review has called the House leadership votes “an embarrassing spectacle.” Others have cheered it on.