Rural Georgia Factory, Flush With Federal Funds, Votes to Unionize

Rural Georgia Factory, Flush With Federal Funds, Votes to Unionize

Friday’s victory by the United Steelworkers at a factory building electric school buses was a test for Democratic hopes that clean-energy funding from Washington could bolster organized labor.
In Norway, the Electric Vehicle Future Has Already Arrived

In Norway, the Electric Vehicle Future Has Already Arrived

About 80 percent of new cars sold in Norway are battery-powered. As a result, the air is cleaner, the streets are quieter and the grid hasn’t collapsed. But problems with unreliable chargers persist.
How Ukraine’s Battered Steel Industry Galvanized Its War Effort

How Ukraine’s Battered Steel Industry Galvanized Its War Effort

The iron- and steel-producing factories of Ukraine’s rust belt have made body armor, helmets and armored plates for vehicles — and steelworkers risked their lives rolling out heavy machinery at the beginning of the war to help physically block the Russian advance.