Energy Firms, Green Groups and Others Reach Deal on Solar Farms

Energy Firms, Green Groups and Others Reach Deal on Solar Farms

The agreement could help speed up the development of large solar projects that are often bogged down by fights over land use and environmental concerns.
Belgian Preserve Melds Farming and Conservation, and Fights Extreme Weather

Belgian Preserve Melds Farming and Conservation, and Fights Extreme Weather

Can Europe fight the effects of extreme weather while producing enough affordable food? A model combining conservation with agriculture may offer a solution.
How the Dream of Building a California City From Scratch Got Started

How the Dream of Building a California City From Scratch Got Started

A former Goldman Sachs trader moved to the Bay Area to make it in tech. He ended up buying rural land with money from some of Silicon Valley’s wealthiest people.
A California Land Mystery Is Solved. Now the Political Fight Begins.

A California Land Mystery Is Solved. Now the Political Fight Begins.

Tech industry investors spent roughly $900 million buying land to build a dream city in a rural part of the Bay Area. It could be years, though, before they can do anything with it.