Posted inBow, Clara Chazelle, Damien Hair Jaime Leigh McIntosh Movies Robbie, Margot ‘Babylon’ and the Case of the Missing Bob Haircut Margot Robbie’s 1920s silent-screen star wears her locks long and frizzy — and that’s by design, as the director Damien Chazelle and hairstylist explain. Posted by By Esther Zuckerman
Posted inActors and Actresses Art Bartlett, Jennifer bestofculture2022 Bogdanovich, Peter Bontecou, Lee Brook, Peter Caan, James Classical Music Comedy and Humor Crumb, George Culture (Arts) Cunningham, Merce Dancing Ehrenreich, Barbara Ewing, Maria Fuller, Charles Gilliam, Sam Godard, Jean-Luc Gordon, David Gottfried, Gilbert Hanh, Thich Nhat Heche, Anne Herrera, Carmen Hurt, William (1950- ) Jordan, Leslie Lansbury, Angela Lewis, Jerry Lee Liotta, Ray Lynn, Loretta Mantel, Hilary Marias, Javier McCullough, David Milanes, Pablo Movies Music Newton-John, Olivia Oldenburg, Claes Poitier, Sidney Pop and Rock Music Ramirez, Tina Rego, Paula (1935- ) Rorem, Ned Saget, Bob Soares, Elza (1930-2022) Spector, Ronnie Straub, Peter Takeoff (Rapper) Tenuta, Judy Theater Two Thousand Twenty Two The Artists We Lost in 2022, in Their Words Posted by By Gabe Cohn
Posted inGivers of Death (Movie) Margaux (Movie) Mondocane (Movie) Movies Rubikon (Movie) Warriors of Future (Movie) Five Science Fiction Movies to Stream Now Post-apocalyptic drama and A.I. trauma are part of this month’s sci-fi picks. Posted by By Elisabeth Vincentelli
Posted inCaine, Michael Croupier (Movie) Deaths (Obituaries) England Flash Gordon (Movie) Get Carter (Movie) Hodges, Mike Movies Mike Hodges, Director Acclaimed for ‘Get Carter,’ Dies at 90 He was best known for complex crime dramas like “Croupier.” But he also made the big-budget 1980 science-fiction yarn “Flash Gordon.” Posted by By Neil Genzlinger