As Inflation Stalks Europe, Leaders Shudder

As Inflation Stalks Europe, Leaders Shudder

The downfall of Britain’s prime minister served as a warning to all of the political peril that awaits those who fail to address the erosion of living standards, no matter the cause.
Ahead of the Midterms, Energy Lobbyists Plan for a Republican House

Ahead of the Midterms, Energy Lobbyists Plan for a Republican House

The oil and gas industry is already setting priorities for at least partial G.O.P. control in Congress, with a particular focus on undercutting a Biden administration program to shift away from gas for home heating.
In the Netherlands, Balancing Energy Security Against Climate Concerns

In the Netherlands, Balancing Energy Security Against Climate Concerns

A central location and web of gas pipelines are helping boost gas imports in the country even as it tries to stick to its clean energy goals.
War Colliding With Recession Risks Leave Energy Markets on Uncertain Path

War Colliding With Recession Risks Leave Energy Markets on Uncertain Path

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, along with governments’ reactions to that, might mean that prices rise. Or they could fall on fears of a global economic slowdown.