Nippon Steel’s $15 Billion U.S. Steel Takeover Bid Is in Peril

Nippon Steel’s $15 Billion U.S. Steel Takeover Bid Is in Peril

The proposed merger of Japanese and American industrial giants, which proponents say would benefit both countries, is ensnared by political and labor opposition.
The Politics of a Steel Deal Hangs Over Biden’s Japan Summit

The Politics of a Steel Deal Hangs Over Biden’s Japan Summit

The president’s effort to court voters in crucial swing states is influencing economic and trade policy, and worrying longstanding allies.
Biden’s Trade Moves Raise Tensions With China and Japan but Draw Cheers at Home

Biden’s Trade Moves Raise Tensions With China and Japan but Draw Cheers at Home

The president’s efforts to restrict Chinese imports and block a Japanese steel merger have pleased labor unions and sent a message to rival Donald J. Trump.
Biden Faces More Pressure From Environmentalists to Block Steel Merger

Biden Faces More Pressure From Environmentalists to Block Steel Merger

Climate change joins national security and concern about jobs in a mounting pressure campaign to prevent Nippon Steel from buying U.S. Steel.