Posted inAykroyd, Dan Belushi, John Blues Music Bowie, David Cardi B (1992- ) Cocker, Joe (1944-2014) Coldplay (Music Group) Costello, Elvis Counting Crows (Music Group) Country Music Del Rey, Lana Devo (Music Group) Eilish, Billie Fear Ferrell, Will Folk Music Glass, Philip Harrison, George Jagger, Mick Mercury, Freddie Morello, Tom Musgraves, Kacey Nirvana (Music Group) Nomi, Klaus O'Connor, Sinead Pop and Rock Music Rage Against the Machine (Music Group) Rap and Hip-Hop Red Hot Chili Peppers (Music Group) Replacements, The (Music Group) Richards, Keith Roan, Chappell Saturday Night Live (TV Program) Simon and Garfunkel Simon, Paul Simpson, Ashlee Smith, Patti Smith, Sam (1992- ) Springsteen, Bruce Stewart, Rod Television Turner, Tina U2 (Music Group) Wallen, Morgan West, Kanye White, Jack
Ladies and Gentlemen, 38 Key Musical Moments on ‘S.N.L.’
As the show celebrates its 50th season, look back at some of its most fiery, shocking and groundbreaking performances.