Posted inNoah Kahan Pop and Rock Music Stick Season (Song) Noah Kahan’s Rootsy Rock Revival Revisiting the rustic mainstream sound of the early 2010s, the Vermont singer-songwriter has broken through with “Stick Season.” Posted by By Jack PlunkettInvision via Associated Press
Posted inBooks and Literature Bridge and Tunnel Boys: Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, and the Metropolitan Sound of the American Century (Book) Cullen, Jim Joel, Billy Music Pop and Rock Music Springsteen, Bruce Suburbs What the Suburbs Did for Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen A new book by the author Jim Cullen explores the uncanny parallels between the careers of these two musicians, and how they were products of their time and place. Posted by By Sopan Deb
Posted inBeatles, The Pop and Rock Music Social Media TikTok (ByteDance) Gen Z Beatles Fans Come Together on TikTok “Can’t believe it’s 2023 and I get the joy of hearing a new Beatles song for the first time ever,” a 23-year-old says in a video post. Posted by By Madison Malone Kircher
Posted inBook Trade and Publishing Books and Literature Calhoun, Ada (Author) Lansky, Sam Pop and Rock Music Spears, Britney Britney Spears escribió sus memorias con otros autores. Entérate aquí El libro de la estrella del pop es una obra colectiva. Otros tres autores participaron. Posted by By Jacob Bernstein