Biden’s Meeting With Macron Comes Amid Rising Trans-Atlantic Tensions

Biden’s Meeting With Macron Comes Amid Rising Trans-Atlantic Tensions

The president’s “Made in America” plan has drawn accusations of protectionism from Europe as the United States tries to keep its Western allies aligned against Russia.
Five Ways Sanctions Are Hitting Russia

Five Ways Sanctions Are Hitting Russia

Russia’s economy and residents have taken a battering, but the government continues to reap big revenues from energy sales. A partial European embargo on oil takes effect in December.
Saudis Find Sympathetic U.S. Ears at ‘Davos in the Desert’

Saudis Find Sympathetic U.S. Ears at ‘Davos in the Desert’

A Saudi decision to support a cut in oil output infuriated Washington. But at an investment conference in Riyadh, there was plenty of praise for the kingdom.
As Inflation Stalks Europe, Leaders Shudder

As Inflation Stalks Europe, Leaders Shudder

The downfall of Britain’s prime minister served as a warning to all of the political peril that awaits those who fail to address the erosion of living standards, no matter the cause.