U.S. Considers Breaking Up Google to Address Search Monopoly

U.S. Considers Breaking Up Google to Address Search Monopoly

The Justice Department and state attorneys general are discussing various scenarios to remedy Google’s dominance in online search, including a breakup of the company.
Hot Summer Threatens Efficacy of Mail-Order Medications

Hot Summer Threatens Efficacy of Mail-Order Medications

The temperatures inside delivery trucks can reach twice the recommended threshold, but federal rules on drug storage conditions do not apply to the booming world of mail-order delivery.
Uber, Facing Sexual-Assault Litigation, Pushes Plan That May Curb Suits

Uber, Facing Sexual-Assault Litigation, Pushes Plan That May Curb Suits

Uber has spent millions trying to get a proposal on the Nevada ballot that would restrict the legal fees that bankroll many lawsuits against companies.