Posted inItaly Roman Catholic Church Snakes Travel and Vacations A Statue Draped With Snakes? In Italy, It Happens Every Year. Held in a small, mountainous village, this festival has it all: snakes, charmers, religion, science. See for yourself — and try not to squirm. Posted by By Elisabetta Zavoli and Francesco Martinelli
Posted inBaseball Mary, Mother of Jesus Mexico City (Mexico) Religion and Belief Roman Catholic Church Llegan a Ciudad de México a jugar béisbol. Pero antes, peregrinan La religión tiene un papel muy visible en los deportes latinoamericanos. Y algunos peloteros que juegan en la capital mexicana tienen una tradición: visitar a la Virgen de Guadalupe. Posted by By James Wagner and Alejandro Cegarra
Posted inBaseball Mary, Mother of Jesus Mexico City (Mexico) Religion and Belief Roman Catholic Church Baseball Players Visit Mexico’s Basilica de Santa María de Guadalupe When in the capital for road games, many Mexican League players join the throngs paying their respects at the Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe. Posted by By James Wagner and Alejandro Cegarra
Posted inIreland O'Connor, Sinead Pop and Rock Music Roman Catholic Church Sinead O’Connor Was Ireland’s Alternative Moral Compass In any society, she would have been radical for a pop star. But in Ireland, she was revolutionary. Posted by By Una Mullally