How Pavel Durov, Telegram’s Founder, Went From Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg to Wanted Man

How Pavel Durov, Telegram’s Founder, Went From Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg to Wanted Man

Pavel Durov’s anti-establishment streak helped him create one of the world’s biggest online platforms, which emphasizes free speech. It also put a target on his back.
Telegram’s Top Executive Pavel Durov Reportedly Detained in France

Telegram’s Top Executive Pavel Durov Reportedly Detained in France

The founder of Telegram, an app with more than 900 million users, was taken into custody by authorities, French media reported.
U.S. Investigating Americans Who Worked With Russian State Television

U.S. Investigating Americans Who Worked With Russian State Television

The F.B.I. raided the homes of two prominent commentators on Russian state television channels as part of an effort to blunt attempts to influence November’s election.