A Pre-I.P.O. Gift to Company Executives: ‘11th-Hour Options Discounting’

A Pre-I.P.O. Gift to Company Executives: ‘11th-Hour Options Discounting’

A new research paper finds that companies price stock options at steep discounts just before going public and take steps to obscure them.
How China Censors Critics of the Economy

How China Censors Critics of the Economy

As Beijing struggles with a slumping stock market and a collapsing real estate sector, commentary and even financial analysis it deems negative are blocked.
Elon Musk’s Tesla Pay Package Is Struck Down by Judge

Elon Musk’s Tesla Pay Package Is Struck Down by Judge

Shareholders had sued, arguing that Mr. Musk’s compensation — which helped make him the world’s richest person — was excessive.
Boeing Faces Tricky Balance Between Safety and Financial Performance

Boeing Faces Tricky Balance Between Safety and Financial Performance

The company is under pressure to show regulators and customers that it takes safety seriously and to reassure investors about its financial outlook.