Posted inChatGPT Colleges and Universities Education (K-12) Teenagers and Adolescence Ban or Embrace? Colleges Wrestle With A.I.-Generated Admissions Essays. A.I. chatbots could facilitate plagiarism on college applications or democratize student access to writing help. Or maybe both. Posted by By Natasha Singer
Posted inContent Type: Personal Profile Teenagers and Adolescence Tennis United States Open (Tennis) At the U.S. Open, Alex Michelsen Is Growing Up Fast Michelsen, a 19-year-old American who passed on the University of Georgia to turn pro, has raced up the rankings since January and should break into the top 100 after his run in New York. Posted by By David Waldstein
Posted inHomosexuality and Bisexuality Love (Emotion) Moon Teenagers and Adolescence Tiny Modern Love Stories: ‘I Felt Like a Particle of Light’ Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Posted by By Brian Rea
Posted inBend (Ore) Bicycles and Bicycling Consumer Product Safety Commission Consumer Protection Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Electric Bicycles, Motorcycles and Scooters Encinitas (Calif) Law and Legislation Motorcycles, Motor Bikes and Motorscooters National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Speed Limits and Speeding Teenagers and Adolescence Traffic Accidents and Safety Wales ‘A Dangerous Combination’: Teenagers’ Accidents Expose E-Bike Risks The e-bike industry is booming, but many vehicles are not legal for teenagers, and accidents are on the rise. Posted by By Matt Richtel