Posted inAlgren, Nelson Audrey Niffenegger Bellow, Saul Black Boy (Book) Books and Literature Brooks, Gwendolyn Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage: The Selected Stories of Bette Howland (Book) Chicago (Ill) Chicago Poems (Book) Cisneros, Sandra Content Type: Service Dreiser, Theodore Ferris, Emil Hansberry, Lorraine Hemon, Aleksandar Howland, Bette Kotlowitz, Alex Last Summer on State Street: A Novel (Book) Lombardo, Claire (Author) Maud Martha (Book) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Book) O, Democracy! (Book) Poetry and Poets Ragdale Foundation Rooney, Kathleen Sandburg, Carl Sister Carrie (Book) Studs Terkels Chicago (Book) Terkel, Studs The Adventures of Augie March (Book) The Coast of Chicago (Book) The House on Mango Street (Book) The Lazarus Project (Book) The Man with the Golden Arm (Book) The Most Fun We Ever Had (Book) The Time-Travelers Wife (Book) There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America (Book) Wolfe, Toya (Author) Writing and Writers
Read Your Way Around Chicago
Chicago is a city of bookish abundance, home to countless literary giants past and present. The author Rebecca Makkai recommends works that capture its spirit.