Drug Shortages Near an All-Time High, Leading to Rationing

Drug Shortages Near an All-Time High, Leading to Rationing

A worrisome scarcity of cancer drugs has heightened concerns about the troubled generic drug industry. Congress and the White House are seeking ways to address widespread supply problems.
Biden Vetoes Legislation That Would Reinstate Tariffs on Some Solar Panels

Biden Vetoes Legislation That Would Reinstate Tariffs on Some Solar Panels

President Biden announced a two-year pause on the tariffs last year after importers complained that the penalties would threaten broader adoption of solar energy in the United States.
Biden Team to Counter Tech Espionage Unveils Cases Involving China and Russia

Biden Team to Counter Tech Espionage Unveils Cases Involving China and Russia

A new division set up by the government to pursue sanctions evasion and technology espionage announced arrests of individuals with ties to foreign governments.