Toyota Truck Unit Will Pay $1.6 Billion to Settle Emissions Fraud Case

Toyota Truck Unit Will Pay $1.6 Billion to Settle Emissions Fraud Case

Hino Motors, a Toyota subsidiary, will plead guilty to conspiracy charges and pay penalties for deceiving regulators about its diesel engines, the E.P.A. said.
In Pursuing Canal, Trump Could Push Panama Closer to China

In Pursuing Canal, Trump Could Push Panama Closer to China

President-elect Donald J. Trump’s threat to take back the Panama Canal may be posturing, but it could dampen the Panamanian government’s wish to broaden relations with the United States, analysts say.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Estate Got a $112 Million Tax Refund

Jeffrey Epstein’s Estate Got a $112 Million Tax Refund

The estate’s assets have swelled to $145 million, a probate court filing in the U.S. Virgin Islands shows. Much of that won’t make its way to Mr. Epstein’s victims.