Do These Things If Your Family & Friends Don’t Support Your Business

Do These Things If Your Family & Friends Don’t Support Your Business

Essence Magazine:

By Jasmine Browley· Updated October 23, 2022

Like new parents, entrepreneurs think their businesses (babies) are the best in the world. As a founder, it’s easy to make their companies the center of their universe. They also assume that everyone around them will be as invested in their dream as they are. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

While building, emotionally raw, stressed and cash-strapped startup founders often need the immense support of loved ones to help push them through. But often entrepreneurs, particularly those in creative fields aren’t taken seriously early on. When facing this, it’s important to stay focused on what’s important.

“Friends and family don’t pay your bills, and people who don’t share your career ambition or background simply may not understand what you’re doing,” author Stefanie Ricchio wrote in a piece for ” I once obsessed over who did (or didn’t) read my book, or who supported me on social media , and then realized I was just spending mental capacity on something that would never yield tangible results for my business. The only thing I really needed to worry about was my business, so I put my head down and started strategizing.”

She right–although it hurts, founders have to work through the lack of support from family and friends while scaling a company. Here’s how.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH LIKE-MINDED INDIVIDUALS.It’s easy to dismiss a business when it’s not making money yet. Many business owners, particularly in the creative sector, have complained that their loved ones don’t support their endeavors because they don’t understand what they do.

That’s why it’s important to build a village of peers. Attending networking events specifically for those in the same space you’re in can help fill the void left by family and friends that don’t see your vision for the future.


There’s no disputing success.

Turning your attention to building a spectacular business, creating a foolproof product or providing great service will mitigate any naysaying about your work. Treat every client as if they are the most important, and the validation you’re lacking from family will come tenfold from just doing great work.


Speaking of self-validation, that quality is incredibly important not only in entrepreneurship but in life. Being able to look inward for encouragement is imperative, especially when your tribe isn’t available to provide that for you.

Leaning on affirmations, therapy and like-minded community can be a huge help with building the muscle of resilience.

The post Do These Things If Your Family & Friends Don’t Support Your Business appeared first on Essence.

Kimberly Wilson
Author: Kimberly Wilson

This post first appeared in Essence Magazine. Read the original article.