Eight States, D.C Have Primary Elections Today

Eight States, D.C Have Primary Elections Today

Amid a pandemic and protests happening across the U.S., we can’t forget that today several states across the country and the District of Columbia are holding primary elections.

Seven states (and Washington, D.C.) will hold presidential primaries today, while eight states and D.C. will hold primaries for ballot elections. These elections come at a time when mail ballot voting will likely be at an all-time high due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In an interview with ESSENCE, Stacey Abrams noted why voting by mail is important during these unprecedented times.

“Vote by mail can work if it’s postage paid. If we make certain that the ballots are automatically sent to every voter. If we allow for automatic registration and same-day registration because people are having a hard time getting on the rolls, which is the precursor to any participation. If we follow the gold standards, and we do our work now, then we absolutely will be ready to have secure elections in November,” Abrams noted.

Some tend to think that the recent protests across the country will hinder some people from voting, but considering that this upcoming election is a pivotal move in removing Donald Trump from the White House, voting still needs to go on as planned. Even as some cities have instituted a curfew, according to Reuters, Philadelphia’s mayor said the city’s curfew won’t be reinforced until 30 minutes after the polls close.

Voting will occur in: Pennsylvania, Indiana, Maryland, Rhode Island, Iowa, Montana, New Mexico and South Dakota. It’s important to note where your polling place is located before heading out to avoid confusion.

To find your local polling place, visit: WhenWeVote.org.

The post Eight States, D.C Have Primary Elections Today appeared first on Essence.

Author: MOSAEC