By Essence ·November 6, 2020November 6, 2020
As 2020 nears its’ end, one of few things that have been consistent about this tumultuous year is the dedication we’ve seen from essential workers across the country.
From healthcare to retail to food service to education and so many other industries, we’ve seen millions our family, friends and neighbors continuously persevere to remain on the frontlines through a worldwide pandemic, global unrest and arguably the most exhausting presidential election cycle the country has ever seen. Not only have they been putting their lives on the line to provide crucial services for our country, they’ve done so with pride.
In honor of these extraordinary individuals and on the heels of the 2020 ESSENCE Festival of Culture Essential Heroes Awards, where we spotlighted our beloved healthcare workers, ESSENCE is proud to partner with Disney, AT&T Dream In Black and Hyundai to bring you the second installment of our 2020 ESSENCE Essential Heroes Awards. Streaming Wednesday, November 18 on beginning at 6PM EST, the awards will spotlight a total of 20 honorees across 4 categories:
Community Change MakersIndividuals who work in or volunteer in work that changes the direction or state of their community through activism, civic engagement, social change or vocational & financial training.
Educators Teachers, professors or administrators who have done extraordinary work during this unprecedented time to inspire students to keep going.Mental Health Individuals who work in, or do work, that advances mental health support in our community.
Parents & FamilyParents or children who have pushed forward during this time against extraordinary odds.
Be sure to tune in to on November 18 as we salute, honor and celebrate our ESSENCE Essential Heroes!
TOPICS: #EssentialHeroes essential heroes
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