Joe Jackson’s Granddaughter Was Stabbed 7 Times By Her White Neighbor

Joe Jackson’s granddaughter, Yasmine Jackson, was stabbed seven times by a White woman, PageSix reports.

On Sunday, the 25-year-old Jackson posted photos of her face and neck wounds on Instagram. Jackson said the woman, who is her neighbor, started chasing her and stabbing her because she’s “a nigger.” 

Jackson who was attacked near her Vegas apartment complex, said she couldn’t move her neck and is thankful for the people who jumped to her rescue. “I pray to God that if you have any kind of hatred in your heart towards Black people that you heal it,” Jackson’s caption read. “I didn’t deserve this, nobody does. Oh, and by the way, I’m still fucking proud to be Black.”

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I was stabbed 7 times right by my house because “I’m a nigger”. This woman chased me down and started stabbing me. She said it’s because I was a nigger and that’s all I could hear while I was being stabbed. I can’t move my neck at all. I’m scared to be alone. I asked people to help me because she was stabbing me and nobody helped. Until someone did, actually a few people did & I am thankful for you. I pray to God that if you have any kind of hatred in your heart towards black people that you heal it. I didn’t deserve this, nobody does. Oh & btw I’m still fucking proud to be black. @shaunking , please help me. They only are charging her with a felony battery with a deadly weapon. I feel like she deserves attempted murder and also this is a HATE CRIME. SHE CALLED ME A NIGGER & THERE ARE WITNESSES 🙏🏼 SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE PLEASE!!!!!!! Update: THEY BOOKED HER FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER, BATTERY WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, AND A HATE CRIME. PRELIMINARY HEARING WILL BE THIS MONTH.

A post shared by Yasmine Jackson ⚤ (@yasminejackson_) on May 30, 2020 at 10:24pm PDT

According to Jackson’s post, the woman was initially charged with “felony battery with a deadly weapon.” But Jackson updated the caption to say her attacker was booked for “attempted murder, battery with a deadly weapon and a hate crime.” The preliminary hearing is scheduled for this month. 

Jackson is reportedly the daughter of Joh’Vonnie Jackson, the lovechild ofJoe Jackson and Cheryl Terrell. Joh’Vonnie wrote about her relationship with the Jackson family patriarch in her book Bastard Child.

Joh’Vonnie also posted her daughter’s injuries on Instagram. “My daughter has a good heart and has dedicated her time as a nurse to help others. She did not deserve this!” the concerned mother wrote. 

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Look what this Woman did to my daughter @yasminejackson_she tried to kill my daughter for being Black. My daughter has a good heart and has dedicated her time as a nurse to help others. She did not deserve this! Fuck anyone who has enough hate in their heart to want to do this to anyone!

A post shared by JohVonnie N J Jackson (@johvonniejackson74) on May 30, 2020 at 10:09pm PDT

On Jackson’s Go Fund Me page she admitted that “the incident has left me extremely traumatized and I plan on breaking my lease and moving out of those apartments until I’m mentally prepared enough to move on my own again.”

Jackson’s grandfather passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2018.

The post Joe Jackson’s Granddaughter Was Stabbed 7 Times By Her White Neighbor appeared first on Essence.

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