Brian Rea
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  • Brian Rea


Éramos la pareja ideal, excepto por la religión y los perros

OKCupid nos calificó como “altamente compatibles”. Solo que él era ateo y yo musulmana practicante.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘Surrounded by Family and Fireworks, I Finally Lit the Fuse’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

La monogamia no era la solución a nuestros problemas

¿Explorar el poliamor puede ser algo destructivo y constructivo?

Tiny Love Stories: ‘I Called You When I Left the Gynecologist’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Mi padre no podía admitir que estaba herido

Servir en Vietnam había convertido a mi padre en un hombre enojado. Así que fuimos juntos allá.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘To Die with Perfect Abs’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Me dijo que quería salir con mujeres más jóvenes

Eso hizo que me enojara con él, y luego conmigo misma.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘I Hated Myself Because of the Way I Looked’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘My Father Was a Poet Who Wrote Endlessly About Feet’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘A Handsome Man Seeking a Larger Home’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.