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  • Brian Rea


Tiny Love Stories: ‘The Schoolhouse Taught Me What Marriage Didn’t’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Secuelas de una infidelidad

Mientras yo estaba con nuestro nuevo bebé, mi marido estaba con otra mujer.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘The Problem Was He Smelled Really Good’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

El teléfono que nos separó

Nuestro matrimonio a larga distancia era difícil de sostener… y difícil de terminar.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘The One-Liners Kept Coming’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘That Was a Fake Question’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Nuestra última e imposible conversación

Cuando la tecnología le ofreció la oportunidad de celebrar el cumpleaños número 27 de su esposo muerto, la autora la aprovechó.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘My Family Owned Your House’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Tiny Love Stories: ‘She Was Scared He Would Forget Her’

Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.

Quédate, bebé, por favor

El dolor de abortar es invisible en gran medida. Y con cada pérdida, el anhelo se multiplica.