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  • Eve M. Kahn


Hugh Hayden Is an Artist with Sharp Edges

Hugh Hayden’s career is exploding. Take care not to be hit by shrapnel.

Piano From Titanic’s Sister Ship, Olympic, Awaits an Audience

A gilt-trimmed upright Steinway piano commissioned in 1912 for the ocean liner Olympic is on dry land and ready to be heard again.

Maps Offer Design Elements for Interiors and Furniture

In the digital age, old-fashioned maps were expected to die out. But just look around the room.

4 Design Books Discuss the Marks and Scars of Difficult Work

The marks and scars of difficult work underpin four new design books.

4 Books That Offer a Bouquet of Design Inspiration

New books on Elverhoj, Frances Elkins, offshore décor and designing with plants.

4 Books That Reflect on Faces, Fragments and Torments

New reading relates the history of mirrors, patchwork and a monumental teahouse, plus the struggle to make design more just.