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  • Jane Margolies


Movie Theaters Offer Larger Screens, Heated Seats and Sushi to Lure Fans Back

After scraping by during the pandemic, cinemas are hoping to lure back moviegoers by spending millions of dollars on upgrades.

Tiny Homes for the Formerly Homeless

A program that builds small energy-efficient houses in the backyards of Seattle residents is helping to address a persistent problem.

Designing Their Own Studios to Meet Demand for Content

Businesses are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to add in-house production and broadcast facilities to their offices.

Awash in Asphalt, Cities Rethink Their Parking Needs

Local leaders across the nation are overhauling parking requirements for developers, scaling back the minimum number of spots for shopping centers and apartment complexes.

Destined for the Dump, Construction Waste Gets New Life in the Garden

A new program to reuse architectural mock-ups in community gardens is gaining interest as a way to keep them out of the landfill.

For Fitness Buffs and Landlords, Gyms Are Hot Again

Hoping to capitalize on a renewed interest in communal experiences, fitness chains are reconfiguring their spaces, offering more room to exercise and better amenities.