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  • Luke Broadwater


Senators Seek to Curb Facial Recognition at Airports, Citing Privacy Concerns

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is pushing to add language to the reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration that would halt expansion of the technology.

D.C. and Congress Health Data Breach Affected More Than 56,000

The Social Security numbers and personal information of thousands of people, including some lawmakers, were stolen in a hack of a D.C. health marketplace disclosed...

Data Breach Could Compromise Lawmakers’ Personal Information

A cyberattack on the District of Columbia’s online health insurance marketplace may have compromised identifying data of many members of Congress and other users.

D.C. Health Marketplace Hack Could Compromise Lawmakers’ Personal Information

A cyberattack on the District of Columbia’s online health insurance marketplace may have compromised identifying data of many members of Congress and other users.