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William Barr’s habit of misleading
In less than two years as attorney general, William P. Barr has made false or misleading statements about mail-in voting, federal investigations and Justice Department...

Trump claims nothing more could have been done to defeat the coronavirus. He’s wrong.
The coronavirus response we might have had.

Biden ad isolates the wrong Trump comments on coronavirus
A new Biden campaign ad uses misleading examples to make the case Trump played down the novel coronavirus publicly, while he was taking it seriously...

William Barr is the poster child for politicized law enforcement officials
Like his boss, Barr often stretches the truth to make a politically useful point.

Utah Cop Who Ordered Police Dog To Bite Black Man Charged With Assault
Salt Lake City police officer Nickolas Pearce is now facing second-degree felony aggravated assault charges, following an incident in April where he ordered his police...

Former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker works with Pence on debate preparations, people familiar with sessions say
Walker is effectively playing the role of Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, in practice sessions, the people say.

The White women turning away from Trump
The White women who regret putting President Trump in office. Attorney General William Barr lambasts his own Justice Department. And introducing “Canary,” a Washington Post...

A devastating picture of Trump’s coronavirus response — from a firsthand witness
Olivia Troye isn't the first White House aide or ally to speak out against Trump. But she's one of the most important. And what she...

The Trailer: The big takeaways from 2020’s primaries
In this edition: What we learned from hundreds of primaries, an interview with a QAnon-curious candidate, and the war over Joe Biden's words.

Trump’s most popular YouTube ad is a stew of manipulated video
The Trump campaign isolated segments from 10 video clips to give a misleading impression of Joe Biden's relationship with China.