Wesley Morris
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  • Wesley Morris


‘The Melt Goes on Forever: The Art & Times of David Hammons’ Review

A new documentary explores the artist’s sly conceptual works, and what it means when white people try to own something Black.

Harry Belafonte, Folk Hero

Cool and charismatic, Belafonte channeled his stardom into activism. He was a true people person, who knew how to reach, teach and challenge us.

We’re Out of Movie Stars. Whose Fault Is That?

There are fewer films now that allow an actor to grow a persona and a Tom Cruise level of stardom. It’s a crisis, and the...

Barbra Streisand on Her Early Recordings: ‘That Girl Can Sing’

“Live at the Bon Soir,” a restored set of songs from November 1962, allows listeners today — and Streisand, herself — to rediscover the sounds...

American Culture Is Trash Culture

It’s not just that trash is what Americans want from movies; it’s who we are. So where did it go?