The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Kamala Harris

The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Kamala Harris

The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Kamala Harris By Nandi Howard ·January 19, 2021January 19, 2021

As the United States ends a controversial four years and prepares for new administration tomorrow, Vice-President elect Kamala Harris will make history as the first Black, South Asian woman to hold a VP position.

With usual eyes on the First Lady’s fashion, Harris’s new role includes a wardrobe that sets the tone for the future of women who will come after her. Throughout campaign season, Harris has cemented her cool and causaltarget=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener” aria-label=”Alpha Kappa Alph (opens in a new tab)”>Alpha Kappa Alpha.

When she accepted the Vice-Presidential win in November, the future VP elegantly waltzed across stage in a silky white Carolina Herrera power-suit. In preparation for tomorrow’s inauguration intended to be as extensive, Harris’s outfit is highly anticipated. But before she takes on a new role and we have 4 years of what we predict to be a fashionable run, we are rounding up 20 of her best fashion moments from Vice-President elect Kamala Harris below.

01The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-electKamala Harris (D-CA) arrives at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. 02The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-electKamala Harris (D-CA) participates in the vice presidential debate. 03The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect (D-CA) is seen remotely as she questions Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett, 04The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) arrives at the Orlando International Airport. 05The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks during an announcement. 06The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris heads to the Senate floor of the Capitol. 07The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris takes the stage before President-elect Biden addresses the nation from the Chase Center. 08The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks to the media during a stop at Buccaneer Park. 09The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks at the BET Hip Hop Awards. 10The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris drops off toys December 23, 2020 at Washington at Washington DC Fire Station 1. 11The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris campaign in support of Georgia Democratic Senate candidates Rev. Raphael Warnock. 12The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris arriving to the U.S. Capitol. 13The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks during a campaign event at First Saint John Cathedral. 14The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect . Kamala Harris (D-CA) arrives for a Latino roundtable event 15The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-electKamala Harris (D-CA) listens during a community roundtable. 16The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks on the third night of the Democratic National Convention. 17The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks during the Democratic Presidential Debate at Tyler Perry Studios. 18The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris looks on during the fourth Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign season. 19The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris attends the Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative Conference’s Phoenix Awards Dinner. 20The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Elect Kamala HarrisVice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks during a For The People rally at Valley Southwood Freshman High School campaign

The post The Best Fashion Moments From Vice-President Kamala Harris appeared first on Essence.

Author: MOSAEC