Posted inCelebrities Fergie (Singer) National Anthems Pop and Rock Music Stop Asking Celebrities to Sing Our National Anthem The tradition of performing the anthem took off because people wanted to express their own love of country — not outsource it to guest stars. Posted by By Peter C. Baker
Posted inActors and Actresses Celebrities Documentary Films and Programs Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes (Movie) Taylor, Elizabeth (1932-2011) Television ‘Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes’ and the Moment Star Worship Curdled The documentary blends audio interviews with footage from her life to provide a revealing look not so much at the actress, but at celebrity culture. Posted by By Alissa Wilkinson
Posted inActors and Actresses Biden, Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden, Naomi Celebrities Chastain, Jessica Fashion and Apparel Jonas, Nick Kotb, Hoda Lauren, David (1971- ) Mulaney, John Olympic Games (2024) Paris (France) Parties (Social) Today (TV Program) United States Politics and Government White, Shaun Jill Biden, Jessica Chastain and Nick Jonas Toast Team U.S.A. in Paris Athletes, actors, and journalists drank champagne and sampled from a raw bar at a party thrown by Ralph Lauren during the first weekend of the Paris Olympics. Posted by By Alyson Krueger
Posted inCelebrities Deutchman, Ira Hawke, Ethan Movies Real Estate (Commercial) Scorsese, Martin Shutdowns (Institutional) Theaters (Buildings) Upper West Side (Manhattan, NY) Celebrities Support Plan to Reopen Upper West Side Movie Theater Martin Scorsese, Ethan Hawke and John Turturro are all listed as advisers to a new proposal to buy the former Metro Theater, which closed in 2005. Posted by By Annie Aguiar