Posted inCoronavirus (2019-nCoV) Grief (Emotion) Love (Emotion) Hola, extraño, aquí está mi corazón Quizá lo que me está enfermando no es el amor que no he recibido, sino el amor que he dejado de dar. Posted by By Brian Rea
Posted inChina China Economy Communist Party of China Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Defense and Military Forces Economic Conditions and Trends Foreign Investments Government Bonds International Relations Local Government National People's Congress (China) Politics and Government Stimulus (Economic) Territorial Disputes China’s New Economic Agenda, a Lot Like the Old One: Takeaways At the National People’s Congress on Tuesday, China’s leaders set an ambitious goal for growth, exactly the same one as last year. Posted by By Alexandra Stevenson and Chris Buckley
Posted inBiden, Joseph R Jr Budgets and Budgeting Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Disabilities Families and Family Life Government Contracts and Procurement Health Insurance and Managed Care Home Health Care Medicaid National Assn of Medicaid Directors Nursing and Nurses State Legislatures States (US) United States Politics and Government Paid Family Caregivers in Indiana Face Steep Cutbacks Now that federal pandemic-era funds are shrinking, states like Indiana are ending or curtailing programs that finance home care by relatives of seriously ill children and adults. Posted by By Ted Alcorn and Kaiti Sullivan
Posted inCareers and Professions Commuting Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Coronavirus Return to Office Labor and Jobs Suburbs Telecommuting Two Thousand Twenties (Decade) Urban Areas American Office Workers Are Living Even Farther From Employers Now A new study shows that white-collar employees who can work remotely now live roughly twice as far from their offices as they did prepandemic. Posted by By Emma Goldberg