Posted inAcademy Awards (Oscars) Actors and Actresses Blunt, Emily Brooks, Danielle Cooper, Bradley Dafoe, Willem De Niro, Robert DiCaprio, Leonardo Domingo, Colman Downey, Robert Jr Foster, Jodie Gerwig, Greta Giamatti, Paul Gladstone, Lily Glazer, Jonathan Gosling, Ryan Huller, Sandra Killers of the Flower Moon (Movie) Maestro (Movie) Moore, Julianne Movies Mulligan, Carey Murphy, Cillian Nolan, Christopher Oppenheimer (Movie) Past Lives (Movie) Payne, Alexander Poor Things (Movie) Randolph, Da'Vine Joy Robbie, Margot Ruffalo, Mark Scorsese, Martin The Holdovers (Movie)
What Will Be Nominated for Oscars Next Week, and What Won’t?
While “Oppenheimer,” “Barbie” and “Killers of the Flower Moon” are likely to do well, the directors race is hardly set and other categories are open, too.