Posted inCanada Deaths (Obituaries) Folk Music Lightfoot, Gordon Music Pop and Rock Music Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian Folk Singer, Dies at 84 Mr. Lightfoot’s rich baritone and gift for melodies made him one of the most popular artists of the 1970s. Posted by By William Grimes
Posted inBhopal (India) Deaths (Obituaries) Factories and Manufacturing Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Mahindra Group Mahindra, Keshub Poisoning and Poisons Union Carbide Corp Keshub Mahindra, Billionaire Indian Industrialist, Dies at 99 He expanded a family steel and jeep business into an international leviathan, but his career was stained by a conviction in the 1984 Bhopal disaster. Posted by By Daniel E. Slotnik
Posted inDeaths (Obituaries) Olympic Games (1960) Olympic Games (2020) Owens, Jesse Ralph Boston Track and Field Ralph Boston, Olympian Who Soared Into the Record Books, Dies at 83 A dominant long jumper in the 1960s, he surpassed Jesse Owens’s 25-year-old record before becoming the first to break the 27-foot mark. Posted by By Glenn Rifkin
Posted inAdvertising and Marketing Deaths (Obituaries) Demonstrations, Protests and Riots Grand Canyon (Ariz) International Forum on Globalization Television Jerry Mander, Adman for Radical Causes, Dies at 86 He helped the Sierra Club fight a plan to build dams in the Grand Canyon and started a think tank to warn of the effects of economic globalization. Posted by By Richard Sandomir