Posted inDyes and Dyestuffs Fashion and Apparel Hair Models (Professional) How Red Hair Took Over the Runways Fiery locks, especially those that suggested impromptu D.I.Y. dye jobs, defined many of the season’s most memorable looks. Posted by By Arden Fanning Andrews
Posted inBisphenol A (BPA) Candles Containers and Packaging Dyes and Dyestuffs Plastic Bags Plastics Sustainable Living Design Advice for a Less Toxic Life Advice on healthy candles, purging kitchen plastic and the art of dyeing fabric naturally. Posted by By Stephen Treffinger
Posted inDavies-Okundaye, Oyenike Monica Dusseldorf (Germany) Dyes and Dyestuffs Fashion and Apparel Handicrafts Japan Lagos (Nigeria) Murase, Hiroyuki Textiles Tie-Dye, From Stylish to Traditional The textile technique has gotten celebrity attention again this season, but it’s always been part of the arts scene in places like Nigeria and Japan. Posted by By Melanie Abrams