What to Know About the Federal Law at the Heart of the Latest Supreme Court Abortion Case

What to Know About the Federal Law at the Heart of the Latest Supreme Court Abortion Case

The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, known as EMTALA, requires hospitals to provide medically necessary care to stabilize patients in emergency situations.
At Least 2 Million Children Have Lost Medicaid Insurance This Year

At Least 2 Million Children Have Lost Medicaid Insurance This Year

Many of the children were eligible for federal aid, experts said, but errors have been common as states “unwind” assistance from earlier in the coronavirus pandemic.
A ‘Shadow’ Lending Market in the U.S., Funded by Insurance Premiums

A ‘Shadow’ Lending Market in the U.S., Funded by Insurance Premiums

Apollo was the first to use annuities to build a major financing business. Others followed, driving the growth of the private lending market and worrying regulators.
Federal Court Says Consumer Watchdog Can’t Check Banks for Discrimination

Federal Court Says Consumer Watchdog Can’t Check Banks for Discrimination

A Texas judge’s sweeping ruling says the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau exceeded its authority in trying to examine banks for uneven treatment.